2012年1月1日 星期日

中樞核心組織群 Core Tissues

Dr. Dou Cai 10761146, said that:" If the doctors do not know the meridian, they will make mistakes during medical treatments. As unknowing about the meridians, the doctors will not know the root causes of the diseases, and the mass change of the Yin and Yang, and the transformation of three-Yin and three-Yang of Shan Han Lung. With twelve meridians, doctors can give the life and death of patients. ” 

This is a very important guideline for the following medical students and doctors in clinical works. To reduce the pains of disease and sickness is a common understanding for ancient and modern medical doctors. Their goal is the same. Understanding the meridians of bodies for Chinese medical doctors is the meaning of understanding of the tissues of nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatic system in the body anatomy for modern medical doctors. Facing the same human bodies, the medical treatments should have the same ideas and theories are connected.

It is very important that the integration of our back tissues basing on the known physiology, anatomy and Chinese meridians. In modern medical words, the “ Core Tissues” is the bridge to connect the ancient medicine and modern medicine. The cores are the surrounding tissues of the spinal cord and spinal column.

Core tissues are including: neural networks, blood vessels arteries, veins and capillaries, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, fascia, and lymphatic networks lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels. As the normal workings of all organizations, our physical movements of our body will be full of flexibility. The internal deliveries of body fluid of nerves, blood, lymph will be unobstructed.

As the trauma happens inside of CORE TISSUES, the chain reactions will follow. Then the pains come. And the primary diseases appear.  Understanding the mechanisms of CORE TISSUES, the treatment will effective and the methods are repeatable. That is, Ling Shu of Huangdi Neijinghas told 經脈者,所以能決死生,處百病,調虛實,不可不通. Meridians decide the lives or deaths, and cure diseases. All Medicare doctors must know the workings of meridians.”

The 14 meridians, HuaTuo Jia Ji, A Shi points , Master Dong’s points, myofascial pain syndrome, myofascial trigger points, back functional areas, original point therapy, the physiology and back anatomy are involved for study of the CORE TISSUES.

The keys of the integration are CORE TISSUES. Understanding and application of CORE TISSUES is the way of solutions of pains and diseases of the body.



『中樞核心組織群 Core Tissues』,這是一個包含:神經、血管網絡(動靜脈與微血管)、淋巴網絡(淋巴結與淋巴管)、骨骼、肌肉、肌腱、韌帶、皮膚、筋膜等等的組織。這一組織群的運作正常,人體的運作即順暢靈活;『中樞核心組織群』局部的某一個微小的異常損傷 trauma),就會牽連影響身體的某些部位而出現病痛症狀。臨床上的許多原發性疾病,大多數是如此所生成的。明白了其機理,就可以介入治療手法,即時迅速解決病痛。其機理,就是古人在《靈樞·經脈》所言:『經脈者,所以能決死生,處百病,調虛實,不可不通』;通經脈,也就是當代人所謂的組織的彈性

《靈樞·九針十二原》:『知其要者,一言而終,不知其要,流散無窮』。本文中,探討古人之十四正經、華佗夾脊、阿是穴;近人之董氏奇穴、肌筋膜誘發點治療法、背俞穴功能帶、及原始點療法,結合現代之解剖生理,以闡述 『中樞核心組織群 Core Tissues 的運作機理之重要性,並充分保持身體深層的組織彈性,進而達到知其要 的境界。

